Effective: June 21, 2022.

 COOL HUNTER STORE (the “Company”) hereby adopts this AFFILIATE Policy (this “Policy”) and requires that each person, firm, or entity (as applicable, an “AFFILIATE”) that purchases COOL HUNTER STORE’s products (the “Products”) for resale or other distribution agree to comply with this Policy.

 Any AFFILIATE that fails to comply with this Policy will be deemed an unauthorized AFFILIATE of the Products, and as such, shall have no right to (i) sell the Products, (ii) use COOL HUNTER STORE’s intellectual property, including any of its trademarks or copyrights, or (iii) offer COOL HUNTER STORE’s consumer warranty applicable to any of the Products.

COOL HUNTER STORE is committed to working with customers to facilitate the sale of COOL HUNTER STORE products through e-commerce channels. COOL HUNTER STORE maintains an AFFILIATE Policy to protect COOL HUNTER STORE brand and intellectual property, as well as authorized channel partners. This policy is also in place to protect end customers, ensuring they receive accurate product information, pricing, and warranty protection that meets COOL HUNTER STORE standards. Finally, the policy works to ensure fair competition among AFFILIATES as well as support those who have invested in stocking and marketing COOL HUNTER STORE products and abide by COOL HUNTER STORE policies and programs. COOL HUNTER STORE will interpret and enforce this policy at its sole discretion. To be considered an Authorized AFFILIATE (“AFFILIATE”), you must meet the following requirements:

 Sell on Approved Websites Only

Unless otherwise explicitly authorized in writing by COOL HUNTER STORE after the effective date of this policy, AFFILIATES may only take orders via websites owned and operated by their COOL HUNTER STORE. Selling on third-party marketplaces, dropship accounts, or classified sites is strictly prohibited.

Maintain Accurate Brand & Product Information

Maintain proper use of all COOL HUNTER STORE trademarks.

Sell product only in original packaging.

Do not duplicate or develop different UPCs to differentiate a product.

Product Packaging and Display.

AFFILIATES shall sell Products in their original packaging. Relabeling, repackaging (including the separation of bundled products or the bundling of products), and other alterations to Products or their packaging are not permitted. Tampering with, defacing, or otherwise altering any serial number, UPC code, batch or lot code, SKU, or other identifying information on Products or their packaging is prohibited. The AFFILIATE may not remove, translate, or modify the contents of any label or literature accompanying COOL HUNTER STORE the Products. AFFILIATE shall not advertise, market, display, or demonstrate non-COOL HUNTER STORE Products together with the Products in a manner that would create the impression that the non-COOL HUNTER STORE Products are made by, endorsed by, or associated with COOL HUNTER STORE.

Sell Only to End Users

Only AFFILIATES purchasing products directly from COOL HUNTER STORE or an authorized COOL HUNTER STORE distributor are authorized to resell products by this policy.

Authorized AFFILIATES should not sell COOL HUNTER STORE products to other AFFILIATES. COOL HUNTER STORE recognizes that sales to e-commerce AFFILIATES may inadvertently occur from time to time. Therefore, in the event you inadvertently transact with other e-commerce AFFILIATES, you must disclose the details of those transactions (e.g., when and to whom such products were sold) so that COOL HUNTER STORE may enforce this policy.

Sellers transacting COOL HUNTER STORE products through e-commerce that did not procure the product from COOL HUNTER STORE directly or an authorized COOL HUNTER STORE distributor are not authorized to sell COOL HUNTER STORE products online or use COOL HUNTER STORE trademarks, copyrights, images, or product information. COOL HUNTER STORE reserves the right to take enforcement action against the seller and supplier of the product by this policy.

Disclose All Seller Names & Properties

Maintain accurate and up-to-date COOL HUNTER STORE information and disclose all retail locations, web properties, temporary storefronts, and seller names across all channels directly to COOL HUNTER STORE. Any seller transacting through e-commerce must report all websites and seller names advertising or transacting COOL HUNTER STORE products to

Provide e-commerce Sell-Through Data upon Request

Upon request, provide e-commerce sell-through point of sale data by UPC and web property.

 Legal Compliance

AFFILIATES acknowledge that they will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations related to the advertising, sale, and marketing of COOL HUNTER STORE products, including but not limited to:

Don’t make false or misleading claims or engage in deceptive sales tactics.

If you email customers, comply with all privacy policy laws.

If you maintain an online presence, you must publish a privacy policy and comply with it.


AFFILIATES that fail to comply with any term in this policy will be subject to enforcement actions at COOL HUNTER STORE’s discretion including but not limited to:

Loss of authorization to sell COOL HUNTER STORE products online.

Loss, termination, or non-renewal of rebate incentives, kickbacks, or other marketing funds from COOL HUNTER STORE.

Suspension of shipments.

Permanent termination of AFFILIATES accounts with COOL HUNTER STORE.

AFFILIATES may not circumvent any term of this policy through any means. COOL HUNTER STORE will interpret any violations of this policy at its sole discretion. No failure or delay in enforcing this policy shall be deemed a waiver of the right. COOL HUNTER STORE reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.

 Authorized AFFILIATE Benefits

AFFILIATES that abide by all facets of this policy will be deemed authorized to sell COOL HUNTER STORE products in e-commerce, provided they maintain constant adherence to the policy. Authorized AFFILIATES understand they do not have any proprietary rights to COOL HUNTER STORE trademarks or other intellectual property but are authorized to use COOL HUNTER STORE trademarks, copyrights, images, and product information for the sole purpose of reselling COOL HUNTER STORE products.


This Policy applies to all resales of the Products. Regardless of where the Products were acquired, either directly from the COOL HUNTER STORE, through an authorized distributor, or some other procurement method, an AFFILIATE must comply with the terms of this Policy.


Handling and Storage.

The AFFILIATE agrees to handle and store the Products in a safe manner and in compliance with COOL HUNTER STORE’s storage and handling guidelines. The AFFILIATE will ensure that any Products it purchases are stored in secure, climate-controlled warehouses.

Trademarks; Copyrights.

AFFILIATES that comply with this Policy have a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use COOL HUNTER STORE’s trademarks and copyrights in connection with the sale of the Products. AFFILIATE shall not alter, modify, or change any trademark or copyright, nor shall AFFILIATE use any trademark or copyright other than for the promotion and sale of the Products, nor shall AFFILIATE use any trademark or copyright in any manner that negatively impacts such trademark or copyright or the COOL HUNTER STORE. Failure to comply with the Policy will result in the automatic revocation of the license granted herein and total forfeiture of the rights granted herein. COOL HUNTER STORE reserves the right to revoke this license at any time for any or no reason.


Locations / Reporting.

AFFILIATE agrees to track the Products it purchases and to store all such Products at locations in compliance with this Policy. At COOL HUNTER STORE’s request, the AFFILIATE will provide COOL HUNTER STORE with (a) a list of all storage locations utilized by the AFFILIATE, (b) an inventory of Products maintained at each such storage location, and (c) physical access for COOL HUNTER STORE to perform an inventory to confirm the amounts and locations of Products at AFFILIATE’s stated locations.

Product Inspection.

Promptly upon receipt of the Products, AFFILIATE agrees to inspect the Products for damage, defects, evidence of tampering, or other non-conformances (a “Defect”). If any Defect is identified, AFFILIATE must not offer the Product for sale and must promptly report the Defect to COOL HUNTER STORE.

Recall and Consumer Safety.

To ensure the safety and well-being of the end users of the Products, AFFILIATE agrees to cooperate with COOL HUNTER STORE concerning any Product recall or other consumer safety information dissemination efforts.

Customer Service.

The AFFILIATE will maintain customer service phone and email response functions to handle customer complaints, returns, and other customer service functions. At COOL HUNTER STORE’s request, AFFILIATE will provide any reports or other information related to such customer services.

Product Loss and Theft.

If any significant quantity of Products purchased by AFFILIATE is lost or stolen, AFFILIATE will promptly report such an event to COOL HUNTER STORE.

Report Unauthorized AFFILIATES.

If AFFILIATE has information or reasonably suspects that any person is purchasing and reselling or distributing Products in a manner not authorized by COOL HUNTER STORE or in violation of this Policy, AFFILIATE must promptly notify COOL HUNTER STORE.

Support of Manufacturer’s Warranty.

The AFFILIATE may extend to any proper purchaser of the Products the original manufacturer’s warranty by its terms.  The AFFILIATE may not modify or alter the original manufacturer’s warranty, represent or characterize the original manufacturer’s warranty in any misleading manner, or extend its warranty concerning the Products. Failure to comply with this Policy will result in the total forfeiture of AFFILIATE’s right to offer COOL HUNTER STORE’s consumer warranty.

Other Information, Documents, and Reports.

AFFILIATE must provide COOL HUNTER STORE with any supplemental information, documents, and reports that COOL HUNTER STORE may request to validate AFFILIATE’s compliance with this Policy and to support COOL HUNTER STORE’s warranty support and customer support obligations and initiatives.